I am a health professional in France and I want to access the medical records of a European patient

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eHealth in Europe

Directive 2011/24/EU on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare guarantees the continuity of treatment dispensed to European citizens throughout the Union. Through its Article 14 on eHealth, it offers the possibility of exchanging healthcare information in a safe and secure environment.

The following two cross-border eHealth services are being progressively introduced in all European countries: the ePrescription and the digital Patient Summary, which can be exchanged between EU countries thanks to the new eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure MyHealth@EU. Both new crossborder eHealth services will be gradually implemented in 25 EU countries by the end of 2025:

The European Commission website provides a list of the countries whose services are progressively operational in the different Member States.

Context in France

France has integrated the MyHealth@EU network to ensure the treatment of European citizens within the European Union via Sesali, the new service offered by the Agence du Numérique en Santé [French eHealth Agency] (ANS) to health professionals. This service is accessible at www.sesali.fr and enables French health professionals holding a CPS or eCPS card to access in a secure, standardised manner, and in French, the medical summary of a patient from another EU country at the secure online infrastructure MyHealth@EU, with respect for the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This service makes it possible to ensure the continuity and monitoring of the care given to European citizens, and it complies with the requirements laid down in Directive 2011/24/EU.

In the long term, other elements of the medical record, such as lab results, medical images and hospital discharge reports, will also be available in these exchanges, to enhance the quality of the patient’s treatment.